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1. Scope of application and changes to these Terms

This agreement shall apply to all matters associated with using the services of the website of Minitrip Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "this site").

2. Changes to Terms

Minitrip Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "our company") reserves the right to change these terms without prior consent from users. Any changes will be announced to users by updating the site.

3. Disclaimer

When using this site, it is necessary to prepare the equipment, communication means, etc. necessary for access at the user's responsibility and expense. We are not involved in any way with these devices, means, etc.
Also, in any case, this site does not assume any responsibility for damages caused by the use of information on this site by users.

4. Compensation for our company

Information sent (transmitted) by users through this site, use of information on this site by users,
All claims and claims arising out of or in connection with your violation of these Terms or your violation of third party rights shall be resolved at your own expense and responsibility.
In addition, when the Company incurs costs or pays compensation, etc., in connection with responding to such claims or claims

The user shall bear the costs and compensation, etc. (including attorney's fees paid by the Company).

5. Resale and diversion of services

The user may not use (use, reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell) the services provided through this site, the use of the services (use), or the access to the services, in whole or in part, without permission. etc.) is prohibited.

6. About copyright

All copyrights, trademark rights, and other intellectual property rights related to any images, designs, etc. posted on the screen of this site belong to our company or other legitimate right holders such as information consignees to this site. , the user shall not perform any act that infringes on these rights. Therefore, the user must be aware of the following matters.

The images, designs, etc. that can be obtained through this site are covered by property rights protected by laws and regulations concerning intellectual property rights. Unauthorized use of information and data posted on this site is strictly prohibited.

7. Change of service content, etc.

If we deem it necessary, we may change, suspend or discontinue the content of the service at any time without notifying the user.
Even if the Company changes, suspends or cancels the contents of the service, it shall not be held responsible for the user.

8. About links to other websites

This site may contain links to other websites, but this site does not guarantee the accuracy or up-to-dateness of any content on these websites.
In addition, it is the user's responsibility to check and comply with the terms of use of the site that is used through the link from this site.

9. About links to this site

It is prohibited to post a link without permission from the person in charge of our website.

10. Limitation of Liability

The User agrees that the Company shall not be liable for any damage caused by or in connection with the following cases.

  • the use or inability to use the Service;

  • Incurring costs for transactions, obtaining information, exchanging goods or substituting services through the Service.

  • Unauthorized access to or unauthorized alteration of information or data transmitted (transmitted) by the user.

  • Matters related to other services.

11. No warranty

Use of information and services is at the user's own risk.
We do not guarantee the service contents (authenticity, accuracy, non-infringement of third party rights, etc.), the state of provision, the possibility of access, or the state of use.
Therefore, we do not guarantee the following matters through this site.

  • That the information provided by this site meets the user's wishes.

  • There shall be no defects, errors or failures in the provision of services.

  • Information obtained from this site is accurate.

  • Products, services, information, etc. available through this site shall meet the expectations of users.

  • that defects and bugs in the software provided, if any, will be fixed;

12. About download

All items obtained by the user through this site by downloading, etc. shall be performed at the user's own responsibility, including downloading.
Users bear the risks themselves, and users shall be responsible for all damages resulting from these actions.

13. Governing Law, Jurisdiction

The governing law of this agreement shall be the law of Japan.
In addition, the Chiba District Court shall be the exclusive jurisdiction court of the first instance for disputes arising between the Company and users in relation to the Service or these Terms.

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